Am I fertile? Can I have children and if not, why it doesn't work?
These questions arise at the latest after a year of unfulfilled desire to have children, because 1 in 7 couples involuntarily remains childless.
Infertility: once a pregnancy has occurred, it cannot be carried to term
Sterility: no pregnancy occurs
The reasons for this lie in equal parts with the woman, the man or both.
Human reproduction is a fragile and highly complex system that works to enable us to reproduce. There is therefore no single test alone to be able to answer whether we are fertile. Hormones work together to control ovulation and implantation. Sperm quality is crucial for fertilization and the process to achieve this must allow for union.
A detailed anamnesis, clinical and sonographic examination as well as hormone analysis in the course of a cycle provides the basis for assessing the anatomical and functional unit. The man needs a so-called spermiogram, which you can bring with you. Any urologist can perform this simple but important test.
Hormonal disorders can be treated successfully, the time of conception can be optimized through cycle monitoring and the implantation phase can be supported.
In the case of necessary measures for ART (IVF, ICSI, insemination with and without sperm donation, etc.), we work together with well-known fertility centers in Munich.
Please understand that most of these services are self-pay services in our practice. We would be happy to advise you in a personal first meeting.